
Download the code

For Windows there is now a special installation program that can be downloaded below. For other OS, or if you want to use OC in your own code, you can download the source code for the latest version from github as a zip file. Unziping this file will create the necessary directory structure containing the source code and Makefiles for UNIX/LINUX or MacOS. Ask your local IT guru for help if you have problems with this.

Files to download:

OpenCalphad - V 6.0

Windows installation file: OC_Setup, last updated 17/7 2022. Please report any problems installing or using this.

This is the last stable version of OC with facilities described in news-OC.pdf and in the macro manual. Graphics require a separate installation of the free graphics software GNUPLOT. For Linux and other OS you can download the most recent version from the sundmanbo/opencalphad repository at GitHub, also including the OC Application Software Interface, OCASI.

Introductory open-access paper on OpenCalphad (pdf):

OpenCalphad - a free thermodynamic software

Lectures by Prof. Bo Sundman:

The following lectures provide some descriptions and applications of the OC software: TMS-2016, TMS-2019 and Stockholm-2022.

OpenCalphad - V 6.0

The whole source code, OC6055.zip, to the precompiled version can also be downloaded. The most recent version is available on the sundmanbo/opencalphad repository at GitHub.

More details in news-OC.pdf and macro manual.

OpenCalphad - V 5.0

Includes Main Program Source Code, User Guide, Software Documentation and Test Files for version 5. news-oc5.pdf and OpenCalphad - V5.0

OpenCalphad - V 4.0

Includes Main Program Source Code, User Guide, Software Documentation and Test Files. A summary of the new features of version 4.0 can be found in news-oc4.pdf and OpenCalphad - V4.0

For developers and advanced users

Developers interested in the latest developments of the code are invited to visit the GitHub site to clone or download a zip file.
