Professor Bo Sundman
I am professor emeritus at the Computational Thermodynamics (CT) division at the Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) department at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). I graduated as a physics engineer at KTH in 1974, got a PhD in physical metallurgy in 1981, become lecturer at KTH in 1986, assistant professor in 1994 and professor in 2000. I retired in 2012 and the head of the CT division is now professor Malin Selleby.
The activities at the division of CT are devoted to the modelling of thermodynamic properties from experimental data and atomistic properties, the development of software and databases for thermodynamic calculations and the application of thermodynamics in process simulation. The development of the Thermo-Calc (TC) software system started already in the 1970s and together with my fellow PhD students Bo Jansson, Jan-Olof Andersson, John Ågren and our professor Mats Hillert, we managed to gain world-wide interest in this software. During the 10 years between 1990 to 2000 I was manager of the materials research consortium CAMPADA which provided support for this work. In 1993 a non-profit foundation, STT, was created to be the owner of the software and in 1997 the Thermo-Calc Software AB was created for marketing software and databases. A free but limited version of this software can be downloaded here. The databases are developed in cooperation with Scientific Group Thermodata Europe (SGTE).
Thermodynamics is an integral part of many fields of science and I have contacts with a large group of users of the Thermo-Calc software. In the beginning this was mainly producers of steels and other metals but recently there are also users of metals and other types of materials like ceramics, electronics, superconductors, nuclear fuels, plastics etc. Many contacts are also interested in the use of thermodynamics in process simulation, corrosion, energy production, microstructure evolution etc.
I have published more than 170 papers listed here and received the Calphad "Triangle" Award 2002, the Hume-Rothery Award 2005 from IOM3, UK, a Humbolt Senior researcher Award 2012, Germany and the NIMS Award 2017, Japan. My CV can be found here.
Together with Leo Lukas and Suzana Fries I have written a book Computational Thermodynamics, the Calphad Method published by Cambridge University press. If you do not find it in your library or local bookshop it is available at Amazon.
Since 2006 I have been on leave to work in France, for 3 years I was at CIRIMAT, ENSIACET in Toulouse and between 2009-11 at INSTN, CEA Saclay. Together with Constantin Meis and Christine Gueneau I have arranged several international schools on "Fundamentals of Thermodynamic Modeling of Materials" and "Assessments of Thermodynamic Data". In 2012 I worked together with Nathalie Dupin to develop a thermodynamic database for nuclear fuels.
In September 2012 I retired and since then it is my hobby to develop a free thermodynamic software, OpenCalphad described on this website.