Professor Suzana Fries
Suzana G. Fries is an independent scientist dedicated to combine experimental and first-principle data for the design of alloys that are applied and sustainable. She received her Doctor in Science title from the Physics Institute at the Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in 1985. Following professorships and research in several universities, she retired in Germany after working 10 years as researcher at ICAMS, Ruhr University Bochum.
She participated in COST 507, on light metal alloys, when in Max-Planck Institute in Stuttgart; COST 535, on alloyed aluminides; COST 531, on lead free solders; MP0602, on high temperature soft solders when in RWTH/ACCESS e.V in Aachen. She took part in SFB/TR 103, 12 years project on superalloys single-crystals in RUB, Bochum. Following that she affiliated to the Materials Research Department, as guest. With co-authors she wrote the book Computational Thermodynamics-CALPHAD Method. She is recipient of the Kroll Medal and Hume Rothery Prize, UK. In 2022 she received the honorary doctorate at KTH, Stockholm. She promotes open source codes (Opencalphad), envisaging education.
3 Keywords: high-temperature materials, order-disorder transformations, CALPHAD databases